Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I am here, one year later after the idea of traveling across America. Some good stuff happened, mainly just tough stuff.

Monday, November 2, 2009

There will be a murder today...

This could be about my trip. This week will be instrumental in seeing what's going on with that.

In related news-

When a bank transaction proceedes as follows, why do we even have them??

ME (played by me): I would like to pay for something.
Bank (played by every buck passing moron you've ever met): Yes, do you have the money?
ME: Yes I do.
Bank: Yes, I agree you do.
ME: Thank You. You are an amazingly helpful bank. (pays for something important)
Bank: Oh, you didn't have the money to do that.
ME: Yes I did and you agreed with me!
Bank: Has anyone ever said something to you and it was entirely not true? That's what I did.
ME: I know exactly where the money came from and exactly when it showed up in my account.
Bank: Lies.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

ACT I: Something to look forward to (ahh the lead up...)

What a gloomy title for the first entry. But that's mainly what this trip is, something to look forward to.

Today I decided. For the first fifth of 2010, I will be homeless. Well, I'm kinda homeless now. Alternatively, I always have a home, thanks to MAP. Who, singlehandedly completed her Special Ed education and got a sixth year degree and is mostly likely the highest paid Special Ed teacher in all of CT and we are just WAITING for CT or her company to figure that out. Then we'll all be homeless.

Yay, digressions in the first paragraph. Needless to say, thanks MAP for subsidising my life over and over again. I will refer to you in this blog as MAP so as not to give away that you are in fact, a CIA agent.

So by homeless I mean I am taking the insight and seeing America. I have seen so little of it and we are something like the third or fifth (not fourth and not second) largest country in terms of land area. There are so many different terrains and so many different people and they all speak english (the terrain, not the people), that it really makes no sense that I know New England about as well as Branford, but I can barely put Missouri and Arkansas in the right places when drawing a map.

Dec 31st to March 11th. At least that's the plan. This will give me some time to write, read, think of what the EF I'm doing. (Incidentally I don't plan on censoring myself here. But I do hope to make truckloads of cash on "click-through revenue. Lets hope ribald language doesn't hinder that at all.) I'm also looking forward to trying to make it alone for a little while. I think a few of you will laugh at this because you know that left to myself I can think myself into a hole in the ground and look for something to blow my brains out with in about 23 minutes.

I'm hoping the scenery and staying alive will keep me occupied and my heart at ease. B vitamins too.

My sister said, "With what money[are you going on this trip]?" when I mentioned it in Maine. She doesn't know how to say "square bracket" or imply it. I was merely making it obvious what she was talking about while quoting her directly.

There is no money.

My concern really is that my creditcards are paid and my insurance is up to date while I'm gone. I fully intend to work my way across America, stay in places for a few days at a time to eat, rest, enjoy myself and move on. We'll see how it goes.

I won't be alone the whole time however. DJB is mulling over spending a week or two on the road with me and I am delighted to have him a a companion if he comes. I imagine he'd be along for the ride for the first bit of January. Who knows really.

That's all. I also want my writing to get better as this little experiment goes on. You all can be the judge of that. And then keep it to yourself.

Next Post: Planning!